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Traction Transformers | ENPAY Endüstriyel Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş.

Traction Transformers

Onboard Traction Transformers convert the power from the overhead catenary with high voltage levels ranging from 15-25 kV to those required by the power converter in the traction system. Traction Transformers are considered to be one of the key components of High-Speed Trains. ENPAY has been supplying magnetic cores for Traction Transformers for more than 20 years with an excellent track record. Cores supplied by ENPAY will continue to energize high-speed trains all over the world.


Reliable Transformer Solutions and Global Quality for 50 Years

ENPAY has been a leader in transformer component manufacturing since 1978. With power and distribution transformers, shunt reactors, and high-voltage insulations, we provide global quality in over 50 countries.

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ENPAY Endüstriyel Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş.
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