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Vadodara FactoryIndia

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    Enpay Transformer Components India PVT. LTD.

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    Plot No: 112, (Alindra) MANJUSAR-SAVLI G.I.D.C., 391 775 Vadodara / INDIA

ENPAY's Vadodara Plant in India started operations in 2010 and is an important facility that strengthens the company's production capacity in Asia. The plant manufactures products such as power and distribution transformer cores, shunt reactor cores and high voltage insulation components. Vadodara Plant reinforces ENPAY's presence in the Asian market and serves local and international customers with its quality-oriented production approach. Thanks to its modern production facilities and technological infrastructure, it contributes greatly to ENPAY's global success.

Reliable Transformer Solutions and Global Quality for 50 Years

ENPAY has been a leader in transformer component manufacturing since 1978. With power and distribution transformers, shunt reactors, and high-voltage insulations, we provide global quality in over 50 countries.

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ENPAY Endüstriyel Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş.
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