In today’s world, with the increasing power demand, it has become more essential to transmit MW power from the generating station to the load centers. The transmission losses are reduced with higher voltages. With the latest developments, we produce insulation components compatible with ESTER fluids. With the availability of appropriate materials and better manufacturing practices, it is now possible to have transformers with voltage ratings up to 1200 KV. This voltage range requires very advanced insulation materials and insulation design tools. One of the most important of these is the lead exit at the 1200 KV end. The geometries of the structures should be arranged to optimize the field stress distribution. For this optimization, it is necessary to comprehend and compare the geometries which also provides us with economical and safe solutions. ENPAY performs the designs concerning these conditions for ANSI and IEC-type bushings.
Nominal Voltage: 420 kV- BIL: 1425 kV- SIL: 1175 kV
Tailor-made designs for special type applications are realized by us. Special type connections allow for adjusting full length at the different projects.
When Regulating winding located outside of HV winding we should use the middle exit to make the system safe. The Middle Exit makes the system safe. Connected to regulation winding it protects the exit insulation system, making the mounting process easier and shorter with convenient regulating winding support. The transformer, 400 kV Middle Exit System was installed to connect between tap winding to the Exit Insulation System and has been approved per IEC 60076-3.