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Traction Transformer Cores


Long years of experience and advanced know-how in the production of Traction Transformer Cores give ENPAY a great advantage in responding to the highly demanding requirements of the Traction Transformer Industry.

ENPAY holds two specific certificates on welding;

  • Fusion welding of metallic materials according to EN ISO 3834-2
  • Welding of railway vehicles and components according to EN ISO 15085

Core clamps of Traction Transformer Cores are available in the type of both A-Class and F-Class insulation depending on the customer’s request.

Reliable Transformer Solutions and Global Quality for 50 Years

ENPAY has been a leader in transformer component manufacturing since 1978. With power and distribution transformers, shunt reactors, and high-voltage insulations, we provide global quality in over 50 countries.

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ENPAY Endüstriyel Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş.
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