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Current Transformers Testing Laboratory

CT Test Laboratory performs the routine tests for Current Transformers in acclimatised conditions by using conventional methods as an ISO/EN/IEC 17025 accredited test laboratory.

For Current Transformers, the following routine tests can be carried out by CT Test Laboratory of ENPAY;

  • LV, MV and HV Bushing Type Current Transformers without primary winding according to IEEE C57.13, IEC61869
  • LV, MV and HV Switchgear Current Transformer without primary winding according to IEEE C57.13, IEC61869

CT Test Laboratory can perform the tests on the CTs not only at 50 Hz but also at 60 Hz within below limits for the major tests:

  • Accuracy tests can be performed up to 10.000A at 200VA & 50 Hz and up to 7.000 A at 200 VA & 60 Hz.
  • Magnetization Curve tests can be performed up to 9.000 V at 50 Hz and up to 6.000V at 60 Hz.

Physical Conditions of Test Laboratory

Covered Area: 120 m²
Temperature: 23 ±2Cº
Relative Humidity: 45±10% Rh

Reliable Transformer Solutions and Global Quality for 50 Years

ENPAY has been a leader in transformer component manufacturing since 1978. With power and distribution transformers, shunt reactors, and high-voltage insulations, we provide global quality in over 50 countries.

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ENPAY Endüstriyel Pazarlama ve Yatırım A.Ş.
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